Infinity Global Services

Threat Intelligence & Threat Modeling Services

threat intelligence aThreat modelling is a proactive approach that aims to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems, networks, or applications that attackers could exploit and take steps to reduce the risk of those vulnerabilities being exploited. Our team can assist in recognizing the best approach depending on the specific needs and resources of the organisation using techniques such as STRIDE, PASTA, etc., and assist in identifying vulnerabilities, prioritizing resources, improving security, complying with regulations, and reducing risk.

Our team is equipped to deliver comprehensive threat intelligence services that offer a multi-faceted approach to safeguarding your organization. We provide a daily digest of reports culled from diverse sources, including open web and dark web, to keep you informed of emerging threats. Our advisories highlight major vulnerabilities, ensuring you stay ahead of potential risks. With a keen focus on areas of interest and the identification of new malware strains, we offer proactive protection measures. Additionally, we furnish you with Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) to fortify your security stance. For a personalized touch, our “analyst as a service” feature offers expert insights and support, tailored to your unique security requirements.

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  • Mapping the Attack Groups, vectors
  • Mapping and documentation of existing attack surface
  • Analysis of attack profiles based on Check Point Threat Intelligence group
  • Align threat groups and actors to MITTRE and Check Point Threat Models
  • Subscribe to sophisticated and comprehensive intelligence reports



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von Inhalten


  • Daily report that summarizes the main cyber events and publications of the day. Focuses on items from open sources, darkweb , telegram channels and more.
  • Flash Bulletins (Security Advisories) on major events with immediate consequences (e.g. major vulnerabilities, ESXiransomware, etc.).
  • Can be customizedto receive items only for specific countries/industries.

Specific weekly/monthly reportsthat focus on areas of interest of the client:

  • Specific nation state actors/APTs
  • Threat actors profiles
  • Darkweb-Exposition des Clients
  • Branchen-/länderspezifische Darknet-Informationen
  • New malware deep dive
  • TTPs of threat actors
  • Executives monitoring -social media, credentials, targeting
  • 3rd party intelligence -alerts on breaches, victims, security incidents


  • Daily list of TOP IOCs Relevant to the industry/country based on Check Point data
  • Up to 50 high relevancy IOCs per day

Dedicated and specific one time requests to cp analysts:

  • Underground research on specific subject
  • Analysis of a specific IOC
  • Malware triage and research

Deep technological research by one of the top cp analysts:

  • Schwachstellenforschung
  • Security review
  • Dedizierter Analyst für einen bestimmten Zeitrahmen für ein bestimmtes Projekt
  • Reverse Engineering (Malware/APK)

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Most relevant roles
CISO, CIO, CTO, GRC Professionals, Security Architects, etc.

Ideal number of participants
2-5 Profis

Infinity Global Services

Check Point Infinity Global Services bietet End-to-End-Sicherheitsdienste, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, das Fachwissen Ihres Teams zu erweitern, Best Practices zu entwickeln und Bedrohungen in Echtzeit zu verhindern. Wo auch immer Sie sich auf Ihrem Weg zur Cybersicherheit befinden, wir beginnen dort. Unsere Elite-Experten arbeiten mit Ihrem Team zusammen, um Ihr Unternehmen auf die nächste Stufe des Schutzes zu bringen und Ihren Cyber-Resilienzplan zu erstellen.


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