Infinity Security Operations

Leverage the power of AI to prevent advanced multi-vector attacks by collaborating on threat data and response across the security landscape.

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Best Practices for Advanced Threat Prevention

Leverage rich threat data from across your security estate to improve threat prevention and streamline security operations. Infinity Core Services Security Operations and AI solutions include XDR/XPR extended prevention and response, MDR/MPR managed service, Playblocks security automation and collaboration, Events, ThreatCloud AI, and AI Copilot.​

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Comprehensive Prevention

Protection across all enforcement points: network, cloud, email, endpoint, mobile, and IoT.

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Automated Security

AI-powered platform for rapid detection, investigation, and automated response.

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Continuous ThreatCloud AI Updates

ThreatCloud AI provides the highest catch rate of known and unknown threats, while providing near-zero false positives.

Why AI-Powered Security Operations?

Leverage the power of collaboration and AI to quickly detect stealthy cross-vector attacks and automatically take action to contain threats and prevent damage and lateral spread.

Infinity Security Operations and AI

Autonomously prevent attacks across networks, clouds, endpoints, and devices.

  • Comprehensive Threat PreventionQuickly uncover and prevent cyber attacks by correlating events across your entire security landscape
  • Cloud-Delivered Threat IntelligenceInfinity ThreatCloud AI, CP and third-party threat intelligence
  • Consolidated AnalyticsImprove security posture with visibility into attack behavior, context, and damage
  • Collaborative SecurityStreamline collaboration between products, people, and processes

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Quickly uncover and prevent even the stealthiest attacks

  • Leverage rich threat data from across the security landscape to power AI and correlations
  • Detect stealthy multi-vector attacks, which would otherwise remain undetected
  • Infinity ThreatCloud AI: The Brain Behind the Best Threat Prevention
  • Automatically turns intelligence to preventive response


Collaboration is the only way to gain advantage over the attacker

  • Harness data from across the security landscape
  • Collaborate across Check Point Quantum, Harmony, CloudGuard, and third-party security solutions
  • Quickly detect dangerous multi-vector attacks
  • Automatically contain attacks before damage can be done

Featured Capabilities

End-to-end security operations leveraging the industry’s most powerful threat intelligence and AI technologies.


Infinity Security Operations and AI


Extend the reach of siloed security systems to stop attacks across your enterprise, with automation and collaboration of security products, people, and processes.


Prevention-first MDR offering complete, powerful SOC operations as a service.


Quickly uncover and prevent cyber attacks by correlating events across your entire security landscape and applying ThreatCloud AI, CP and third party threat intelligence.


Complete event unification and visibility across all Check Point products for efficient monitoring, search, and threat hunting.

ThreatCloud AI

Gain accurate prevention against the most advanced cyber attacks.

Explore more about Infinity

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Meet Infinity Playblocks – Check Point’s New Security Automation and Response Platform

An overview of Check Point’s security collaboration platform that automates security operations across the network.

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XDR/XPR Whitepaper – Extended Prevention & Response

Comprehensive threat prevention across the entire security landscape, powered by collaborative AI-driven correlations.

Download Whitepaper

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