Secure Coding Practices for Developers

La mise en œuvre des meilleures pratiques de codage sécurisé est essentielle au processus de développement logiciel, car elle réduit le risque de violations de données et d’autres incidents de sécurité. De nombreux exploits logiciels sont rendus possibles par des vulnérabilités connues et évitables, et le codage sécurisé peut aider les organisations à les éviter. Ce faisant, ils réduisent les coûts financiers, opérationnels et de réputation des violations de données pour l’entreprise.

Solutions de sécurité pour le Cloud Cloudguard Security Checkup

How Does Secure Coding Fit into the Development Process?

Secure coding should be integrated into every stage of the secure software development lifecycle (SSDLC) as part of a DevSecOps program. During the requirements and design stages, the development team should define security requirements for the application and integrate them into its design. During development, coders should write tests for security use cases and avoid common vulnerabilities. The testing phase should incorporate security testing, and software should be deployed with secure configurations and undergo ongoing security testing throughout its lifecycle.

Secure Coding Best Practices

Secure coding is the foundation of an effective application security (AppSec) program. The following best practices enable a development team to avoid common vulnerabilities and promote a culture of strong AppSec:


  • Security Training: Developers need to be aware of common vulnerabilities in order to avoid them. Providing regular training on widespread vulnerability classes and secure coding best practices helps to empower developers and create a culture of strong AppSec within the organization.
  • Threat Modeling: La modélisation des menaces est un exercice structuré permettant d’identifier les vulnérabilités potentielles et les risques de sécurité au sein d’un application. La modélisation des menaces permet à une organisation de mieux traiter les menaces susceptibles de peser sur une application.
  • Input Validation and Sanitization: Input validation ensures that user-provided inputs meet expectations for length, content, and formatting. Input sanitization removes potentially dangerous content from user-provided input before processing it.
  • Contrôle d’accès : l’application doit mettre en œuvre un contrôle d’accès fort, y compris l’authentification et l’autorisation. L’authentification vérifie l’identité de l’utilisateur, tandis que l’autorisation valide qu’un utilisateur authentifié dispose des privilèges requis pour effectuer une action.
  • Data Security: Data should be secured both at rest and in transit. This includes the use of data encryption with secure management of cryptographic keys.
  • Secrets Management: Applications may have access to various secrets, including passwords, cryptographic keys, API keys, and more. These secrets should be securely stored and not hardcoded into application code where they are at risk of potential exposure.
  • Le moindre privilège : The principle of least privilege states that users, applications, etc., should only have the minimum set of permissions needed to do their job, This principle should be designed into an application’s access control and privilege management system.
  • Gestion des erreurs : Une application doit être conçue pour gérer explicitement toutes les erreurs possibles qu’elle rencontre. Dans le cas contraire, une entrée ou un comportement imprévu pourrait entraîner le blocage de l’application.
  • Code Reviews: Code reviews are an essential component of an AppSec program. Having someone other than the developer review the code increases the probability that overlooked issues will be detected and remediated.
  • Regular, Automated Vulnerability Scanning: Automated scanners can identify software vulnerabilities, hardcoded secrets, and other security risks within an application’s code. These tools should be used throughout the software development process and after deployment to enable potential security risks to be quickly identified and remediated.
  • Automate Security Scanning in CI/CD Pipelines: Automated scanning can be built into automated CI/CD pipelines to decrease friction and improve test coverage. Before a commit is accepted to the repo, it can be automatically subjected to static and dynamic code analysis to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): IaC automates the process of configuring software and systems. This streamlines the deployment process and reduces the risk that human error will introduce security vulnerabilities.
  • Leverage AI/ML: The evolution of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) has dramatically expanded the capabilities of automated security scanning tools. Taking advantage of these new features enables vulnerabilities to be identified and remediated more quickly and easily.

Codage sécurisé avec CloudGuard Spectral

Secure coding is essential to reduce the volume of vulnerabilities that reach production code. While not every vulnerability is exploitable, those that are targeted by cybercriminals can be used to carry out data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other malicious activities. By implementing secure coding best practices, an organization can reduce its exposure to these threats and the potential risks for its customers.

Un programme AppSec efficace s’appuie sur des outils qui rendent la sécurité facile et évolutive. Pour en savoir plus sur la mise en œuvre de DevSecOps dans les environnements cloud, consultez ce guide d’achat. CloudGuard Spectral de Point de contrôle simplifie cloud AppSec pour les équipes de développement. Pour en savoir plus, inscrivez-vous dès aujourd’hui pour une démo gratuite .

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