OpenSSL High Severity Vulnerability Disclosure

Restore Requests and User Reported Phishing Screens Now Present State

Posted by chkadmin on September, 29, 2021

The Restore Requests screen and the User Reported Phishing screen have been upgraded to include the request state.

Both screens present requests from the end-users: Restore Requests screen presents requests to release emails from the quarantine; User Reported Phishing screen presents emails that are suspected to be phishing.

With the new State column, the security admin can now track the user request state – Pending (no admin action yet); Declined (admin dismissed the request to restore/quarantine); and Quarantined/Restored.

The screens also include a State filter that allows focusing on specific request states. Typical use cases are focusing on Pending requests that require admin focus; and tracking all the requests that were handled by the admins, i.e. all phishing reports that were moved to quarantine.


The new capabilities will be available starting October 4th, 2021.

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