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Control-Based Assessment – NIST CSF, NIST 800-53, CIS Benchmarking

control based assessment aThe key objective of this assessment is to evaluate cybersecurity posture against industry standard frameworks, such as the Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology or CISv8 from the Center of Internet Security (CIS). These control-based assessments are delivered using industry-standard techniques, the output of which is an overall capability score and a detailed set of implementable recommendations.

A compliance-based assessment is very useful for understanding the likelihood of a successful cyber-attack and, therefore, an important component of a cyber risk assessment.

A control-based assessment is a valuable tool for organizations seeking to enhance their cybersecurity posture, manage risks, and align their cybersecurity efforts with best practices and regulations. It provides a flexible and practical framework for organizations of all sizes and industries to address the evolving threat landscape and safeguard their digital assets.

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  • Measure the completeness of the existing cyber security controls related to the people, process and technology required to protect the assets in scope.
  • The assessment is a paper and evidence-based exercise based on interviews with key personnel.
  • The assessment team will gather evidence on-site to establish a real-world understanding of security capabilities.
  • Identify potential gaps in people, processes or technology that could lead to a loss event.
  • Deliver a RISK Register with recommendations, including a board-room-ready presentation on cyber RISK.
  • The assessment should consider both the OT and IT security posture.



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The Check Point team prepares for success with in-depth engagement planning, up to six weeks in advance of our onsite time. With a firm plan in hand, we’ll spend three to four (3-4) days onsite, working with you to review and assess your environment.

Post-visit, our experts will analyze findings and present recommendations. The timeline for the report may vary, with completion typically expected within up to three weeks, contingent on the assessment’s outcomes.

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Most relevant roles
CISO, CIO, CTO, GRC Professionals, Security Architects

Ideal number of participants

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