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OT/IoT environments usually encompass a high percentage of unknown or unsecured devices. With invisibility comes higher risk. We offer a unique blend of interview-based risk assessments for OT/IoT environments and utilize various tools to generate discovery-based outputs, thus providing a systematic approach to discovering, quantifying, and planning remediation steps.

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  • Discover Assets: We can assist you in seeing and profiling every device, as well as its communication patterns and network connections to create and maintain an accurate asset inventory.
  • Review and Optimize security architecture: Enterprise Security Architects will review, analysis and recommend on the target security design according to industry standard blueprints for OT and IT security architecture references and best practices.
  • Uncover OT/IoT Risks: We integrate industry standards like NIST 800-82R2 into our interview-based assessments, and our discovery engines such as Armis, Phosphorus, etc. aid in collecting data on devices within your environment. We can help your organization uncover vulnerabilities, security gaps, and anomalous behaviors to better assess risk.
  • Plan Improvements: We’ll provide recommendations for improving threat response and securing the various classes of OT/IoT devices in your environment. This includes helping you develop both—reactive and proactive—policies to secure devices going forward.



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The Check Point team prepares for success with in-depth engagement planning, up to six weeks in advance of our onsite time. With a firm plan in hand, we’ll spend one to three (1-3) days onsite, working with you to review and assess your environment.

Post-visit, our experts will analyze findings and present recommendations. The timeline for the report may vary, with completion typically expected within up to four (4) weeks, contingent on the assessment’s outcomes.

ot iot assessment bControl Based OT Assessment Example

ot iot assessment dTool Based Discovery for IoT Assets

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Most relevant roles
CISO, CIO, CTO, GRC Professionals, Security Architects, OT security experts and SOC

Ideal number of participants

Infinity 全球服務

Check Point Infinity 全球服務提供端到端安全服務,讓您能夠增強團隊的專業知識、設計最佳實務並即時預防威脅。 無論您處於網路安全之旅的哪個階段,我們都從那裡開始。 我們的精英專家將與您的團隊合作,將您的組織提升到新的保護等級並制定您的網路彈性計劃。


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